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Neighborhood Beer

La Piétonnier" beer is coming soon! Take part in its creation!

Beer is good. Neighborhood life is tof. Verschillende local players join forces with Bières de Quartiers to create a pintje that reflects the neighborhood.

The recipe and etiket will be inspired by the plaatselijke bewoners and shopkeepers, as well as by various historische anekdotes.

Het woord is aan u, via this online questionnaire (also available in paper version in verschillende winkels in de wijk). Now it's your turn!

This project is being carried out in partnership with the shopkeepers of the Piétonnier and with Bières de quartierDit project wordt gerealiseerd in samenwerking met de handelaars van de voetgangerszone en met Bières de quartier.

November 24

Winter pleasures

February 15

Bright Festival