Photo : Neighborhood beer
We've been talking about it for months, but now it's here! La Piétonnier" local beer is now available in your favorite shops! To discover it, come to the Continental on Place de Brouckère on September 6, 7 and 8, and enjoy free concerts too!
Beer is good. Neighborhood life is tof. Verschillende local actors join forces with Bières de Quartiers to imagine a pintje that reflects the neighborhood, and in this case, the Piétonnier.
The recipe and etiket are inspired by plaatselijke bewoners and traders, as well as by various historische anekdotes. Come and discover this new blond beer, perfect for summer!
Will you discover its secret ingredient?
Quantities are limited, so hurry to the Pedestrian Mall:
Other Piétonnier merchants will be offering it soon
Dit project wordt gerealiseerd in samenwerking met de handelaars van de voetgangerszone en met Bières de quartier.